
Alternative Energy = National Security

I have said it before and I will say it again.  The future of our national security is partially dependent upon our transition from oil as a main source of fuel for vehicles, transportation, and energy production to renewable energy.

Developing an infrastructure to move us forward will usher in an era of ownership, pride, and appreciation for what we believe this country is about.  One step towards relying on our own ability, ingenuity, and living within our own means.

There may be different routes available to reach the goal of energy independence, as long as there is focus and direction, each route will deliver us to this achievement.  Declaring energy reform as a national security endeavor may be the breaking point to gain bipartisan support needed.

Veterans push for clean energy, safer nation
U.S. Rep. John Boccieri, D-Alliance, a major and pilot in the Air Force Reserves, said climate change no longer is a scientific debate. National security experts — such as the CIA and the Department of Defense — believe climate change has become a national security issue, he said.
He said the country only has a 100 day emergency crude oil supply. That’s why, Boccieri said, U.S. military officials have begun to take steps to reduce their foreign oil dependency and find alternative energy sources to fuel their vehicles and planes.
“We need to take this mission and take it to heart. This will affect everyone in this country,” he said. “This is about our future as a country. Its about time America stands up and fights for America.”

I believe we can do this.

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